Dear Diary
Well today seems to be a boring day as there was two hours of break since there was no care lesson so bored.Omg I today nearly lost my laptop in school cafe ! I damn panic cos i feel that something is really missing. Luckily thats was no one there too my laptop. I almost cry and panic.When i return back tothe canteen it was still on the chair ... . as for POA .Mdm siti told me not to rewrite or anything all over again .I tend to do it because my school work is usualy very neat and tends not to squeeze everything into it.

Dear Dairy.
I wanna thank zhenghui mei to help me make this beautiful skin .By the way I am very happy wth my poa result .First test I gt 78 a B for it and my second test I gt an A of 83 mark.Today i have CMS roleplay and i screw it up and my team members consist of ME ,Melissa n thomas keep on jumping on and off the script.Mr Singh and Mr Hari gave us and mostly forgot the script. I hope i do not screw up the script badly.By the way .I am not feeling quite well as I dont know why my left bottom waist side is feeling painnow and then. And I did not expect to get an A for my second POA test cause i screw up my test OMG i was SHOCKED .
Here the banner especially make for these close friend of MINE
XUEXUE sis banner

zhenghui sis banner

Dear Diary
It was a sad day for me yesterday as my sister bought the LG Viewty pink handphone which her hp expired in august .I was envy of her that she can changed yesterday which I cant changed till September 20 .By the way my new maid name is called catherina . I am not used to having a new maid .Got to go off study for my CMS script CA tmr...Good luck ...
here the gift for my best cyberfriend ZHENGHUI

Here the banner i make for Jolene contest
I am sort of feeling of bad mood now .My auntie is going back to Indonesia .Missing her man .Feel like crying....So many year together .We are so close and our bond are going to be gone .Really miss her ....Heart pain and I took part in Sophia BOF contest and here the banner request I have make .Feeling very stressed up in school and feeling very down because my damn computer does not work.(I donno what is happening to me am i feeling Depressed to much school work ! I just which there is someone there for me).And Guess what my Roleplay of Business Environment proj is gg to due soon so does my CMS roleplay is due soon too.
here the button
Dear Diary

shuhua (sweetheart gif me as bdae present)
My birthday is around the corner to my 18 birthdae a year older .Omg thats look so old.Feeling damn sad wth my results tis year ....hiya dont want chat le.Damn pissed off and angry wth myself for not working hard enough...and HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to my favourite Kim Bum .a.ka. YIJEONG who is now 20 whose bdae falls on 7 jul and i think i want see bof when they come to singapore i damn crazy about them .
LOVE HIM MAN . His Smile is so nice

and he so Handsome x3
Dear Diary
thx to Joey baobeii in making this for me and i like it
I donno whats my feeling right now sitting here writing this entry .I donno how is happening to me nowadays .Feeling very stressed or what i cant understand myself .I feel like everything I do does not seems to go right .My sister problems when my aunty seems to give me something for my upcoming birthdae seems to be something that is stopping my sis from letting my aunt to give me .Everything seems useless .Although everybody thinks its okkays but i dont think that way.What has gotten into me !
I sometimes couldnt sleep at night and sometimes at night i would cry in my sleep thinking of the results that i did badly 55 for poa ...Felling why everything does not go smoothly as i think...
What has gotten into me ! Why do i become Like that? What I do did not meet to my expectations of doing well .....
Dear Diary
NEW BOF icons
are out which are made by brenda for me