Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Dear Diary

Bella -my pet
I have got my new spectacles which i did two weeks and I am wearing right now .It is purple and its a Elle brand.Wahhh .I spent my time playing pet Society.Here are some of pics of my pet 

my house -living room

empty guest bedroom -under progression

Guest living room

the bathroom
thanks stevan for e banner
Friday, January 09, 2009
BUFFET @Hilton
Dear Diary

My mum,my Dad and I went to Hilton hotel to have Japanese food buffet .The lunch was nice I ate Kimchi,sushi and the food was heavenly delicious.Waaahhh,the cheese cake was expensive too. Then went shopping

thanks for the banner from Michelle Mei

Thank you Guihui mei for e banner

Friday, January 02, 2009
Dear Diary
Today went to JB with my dad,my mum ,my dad friends .We went to Tesco and Jusco .I bought a new blouse at Tesco a new Shopping mall in JB.Then We went for dinner at Sentosa .The food was nice and i make a new spectacles too.It was an Elle Brand.going to collect it soon .Looking forward.
RIGHT Click for the Banner Codes
a Gift for Michelle

a gift for Guihui

The Goat
Graceful and optimistic, kind and easy going, would describe a Goat personality. They can also bepetulant and discontented, likely to throw the towel in at the beginning of a problem. They can becharming without revealing their true feelings. The Goat is very talented and imaginative and canturn his hand to most creative pursuits.Forecast for 2009 The Goat need not feel on his own in 2009 as there will be much support andfriendship to help him in this busy year. With so much going on in all areas of his life, the Goat woulddo well to plan ahead and take his time in making decisions. Money-wise, the Goat needs to curb hisenthusiasm for spending and exercise some self-discipline or problems may arise later! July toSeptember will present many social events and possibilities for love and romance. Short trips andtravel are well aspected in August and October for all Goats.Interesting Goat FactsZodiac Stone: EmeraldSpecial Flower: LarkspurBest Hours: 1-3 pmSeason: SummerHoroscope Colors: Green, Blue