Sunday, August 24, 2008

Dear Diary

Yesterday,Shuhua and I went to Marina Bay to watch KOREAN fireworks .It was very beautiful and it was the first time I went out with Shuhua to see fireworks.The first time experience was a wonderful and did not see the first one such as these before .I was so happy and there was a large crowd despite the heavy downpour.Wow !!! I hope we can make a yearly thing to see the fireworks . One thing to say about the event was really FANATASTIC ...Here are some of the pictures .It will be etched in my memory .


__________ The End Of The Fireworks: )_____________________________________
Friday, August 22, 2008

Dear Diary

me and the kindergarten kids
Sylvia's Elmo

me and the kindergarten kids
Today we went to the Shaw childcare /kindergarten to do our Project management Project . Megan Sylvia and myself went to the kindergarten to read to them which was held at 855 Mountbatten Road near Katong Shopping Centre .We went there at two and it was raining heavily and three of my friends was put in charge of different group.Alex and li yam -one of the kindergarten kids was so cute which cling to Amelia " I think so " The children are so cute and adorable .I think I starting to like small kids .I have make friends and lesson learnt : build up my leadership and working as a team ...Yea !!!! On the top is my MDP -Photoshop ....I am appreciating My work....which I done today
KOREA CHOCOLATE bought @ 7/11

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Dear Diary
Today it is a funny day .Sorry Sylvia ,Todae I am so blur I accidentally knock and gave you a shock Remember what RuiJing say about " Strawberry Shortcake ,she want to cut for us to eat but it is a joke Please Laugh HAHA Don"t know what to say Want to laugh HAHA.aghhhh tommorow got POA test again over the paper was fine i hope i can achieve 88 Again !!! Jia you
Today it is a funny day .Sorry Sylvia ,Todae I am so blur I accidentally knock and gave you a shock Remember what RuiJing say about " Strawberry Shortcake ,she want to cut for us to eat but it is a joke Please Laugh HAHA Don"t know what to say Want to laugh HAHA.aghhhh tommorow got POA test again over the paper was fine i hope i can achieve 88 Again !!! Jia you

Mr Chong(CA-Class Advisor) Teaching

Monday, August 11, 2008

Dear Diary

Wow ! its amazing for Beijing Olympics ,Waaahhhh China is the first again ...AHHH !!!! why is Korea second or Third ? Jiayou Korea You can do It .Not bad already .GO GO KOREA !!! You Can Do it .Hey I quite happy today Korea got 5 gold not bad already and today I am extremely happy too .I did not expect to get 88 for POA (principle of adminstration test )wow Its a rare chance .PRAISE THE LORD:)

Friday, August 08, 2008
Dear Diary
Beijing Olympic Day!!! My friends and I were involved in the Connect Singapore , Hand-in Hand which was held at the Old Police Academy at Thomson Road.It was a hot and sunny day .The main objective of the event is to hold hand in hand and it was also a part of National Day. Many different schools were involved for this occasion .There were 43,000 people were told to help up to form a shape of a heart and to break to the Singapore Guinness World of Record.There were 6 classes from electrical engineering and 2 class from Business . At 12 o'clock in the afternoon ,We hold hands and recite the pledge along and there was a helicopter to capture the event .It was a great experience for me . I was on duty

Old Police Acadamy (swimming pool)

The students were waiting.
Me and My friends

The SC Girls Group
Berwin,my two friends and myself

Huiyun,YanTong and ME
Friday, August 01, 2008

Dear Diary

Me and Shuhua
On 31 July 2008 .There was a Youth ASEAN and Asian seminar held in the Lecture Theatre 2 today .6 of the student councilor Pinky,Lawerence ,Abbas ,Hajee , Aniq and myself was to help the ASEAN countries like Cambodia,Indonesia ,Korea,Japan,Laos,Malaysia, China,Phillipines, Brunei, Singapore, Thailand,Vietnamand Myanmar.We were told to lead the Youth ASEAN to the lecture theatre.It was a wonderful experience for me as I get to interact with the Koreans and Phillipines.Finding out how they enjoy their stay here.
During the seminar , there was a speaker by Mr Jack Sim mention about the world toilet organisation about the toilet that we use everyday.and Ms Erim Chew the founder of 77th street.They both talk about Enterpreneurship and Leadership.the seminar was and we learn something throughout this seminar and we make alot of friends over all the Asean and Asian countries.
Sista is doing graffiti
Finished Product
Founder of 77 Street-Ms Elim Chew