Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Dear Diary,
YAY !!! Todae was my N level cpa exam .It was so easy ..Ms Excel (spreadsheet)and Ms Word came out...i expected MS Access(database) to be out but it did not ...I work so hard for this and it did not come out...I was so nervous that i use alot of printing paper.so sorry Mr low ,had to ask u for so much paper.yesterday ask u alot of questions....I was so nervous and stress...Panic always??? Lucky Chinese over.I HATE chinese paper and english over .Left with maths paper 1 and 2 ,Physics paper 1 ,2,3 n Cpa theory paper 1 and 2 ..Stress up .Faster end .Very tired ....Hang On CHARISSA ...4 october last paper le 20 more days.....AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Saturday, September 08, 2007

Dear diary,
Yo !!! N level starting again on Tuesday Cpa practical S.T.R.E.S.S .English composition paper one Section A is a letter writting start about a international movie star coming to your school ...waaahhhh.so panic .i was nearly late for exam. Thank god ithe paper havent started or else i died . Paper two very stress no time to check ...hope i passs wth flying colours so i can go business course OOppps so late le.... igtg le bye ...Nites
Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Dear Diary,
hii .N level exam started alr for Chinese Listerning, English Listerning , English r finally over after todae Hope i can pass .Very panic .Almost late for exam Panic and stress .bye had to work hard for the rest of paper n i continue after my n level on 4 oct ...Good luck ppl who gg 4 n level or O levels...