Sunday, January 21, 2007

hi guys ,its has been a long time time since i blog .i am so happy tat i am studying 4 day course of tv commerical is fun ...filming todae 23 jan 07...of ghost sec 1 girl ,anj and azizah bullies.1 min commercial...i only appear first part only
gtg le ,bye ???
Sunday, January 07, 2007
hi ,school is so nice on the 3rd of jan .it is very exciting.New maths and science teacher .So sad my cca going to close down after we leave sec 4.and new batch of sec 1 so cute...Really very stress this tr b cause gt n level ...Pressurize in singapore ..teacher really makes the student stress specially maths ...Wow ??? my science teacher was really shocked tat 11 ppl past cool...I did it...He say i the most courteous girl in school....I really never heard all this from any of my teachers in my secondary school life ...Ithink i goin to like science ..exam fee $ 320.for n so stress my new yr resolution this yr is good poly and good grades study burn mid night oil..i feel so happy for my friend from normal t echnical can go normal academic last yr...
this yr he repeated sec 3 normal cool ...i reallie wish time could go back .maths teacher very old and very long winded ...everyone does nt like him.
The TEACHERS for 2007-sec 4
English- mdm rahimah
Maths - mr pay
Science -mr ronnie goh
Chinese -mdm chen
Computer applications-mr low
art -miss rokiah
form teacher -mr low and mr lim
The TEACHERS 2006-sec 3
English-mdm rahimah
Maths-miss wong
Science - miss ku, miss neo
Chinese-mdm chen
Computer application-miss kuan n mr low
art-miss tay
form teacher -mr low and mr lim
thats all .i really very proud to have such a wonderful teacher.i think better stop le ...i think all the best in 2007
looking foorward for n levels and n level results in the new sch..GOODBYE*